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About the Client

SleepBleep is a passion project from MoogleLabs that was created with the intent to make roads safer for everyone.

Desktop Wallet
Business Requirement

We wanted to create an application that allowed companies as well as people to drive safely and get notified if they show signs of fatigue.

Desktop Wallet
Preferrable Outcome

An accurate drowsy driving detection system capable of identifying signs of fatigue and notifying.

Our Process

  • MoogleLabs, as an organization, is a big believer in technology for good. Therefore, we are always open to suggestions on how to leverage technologies like AI and ML for the betterment of the world. 
  • It started with the basic idea of creating an application that will assist drivers in identifying the subtle signs of drowsiness and take measures to ensure their as well as others safety.
  • We started by Strategizing a plan to create the backend and the front end of the system. As we wanted the product to be widely available, we also decided to make the product available on Play Store and App Store. 
  • Once we had a clear picture of the product, we created some slides to showcase how the product would look. Then, we started working on the development phase.

How it Works

  • Drivers can place their phones to track their facial movements during driving. It also has a GPS system to keep track of how long the person has been behind the wheel. 
  • The application is trained using artificial intelligence and machine learning to identify any signs of drowsiness. It includes assessing facial expressions, eye-movement, & head position to identify fatigue in the driver.
  • Once the product realizes any such instances, the mobile alerts the users using ringtones so that they can take appropriate action to ensure safety on the road

Features of the Final Product

Conversational AI
Fatigue Monitoring
Conversational AI
Complete Facial Recognition
Conversational AI
Period Break Reminders
Conversational AI
GPS Tracking
Conversational AI
Eye Movement Tracking
Conversational AI
Alert System to Prompt Driver
Conversational AI
Auto Messaging to Emergency Contact
Conversational AI
Custom Drowsy Ringtones

Tools Used 


Problem 1

False Positives and Negatives During Development


MoogleLabs could address this by continuously refining the AI model by feeding it more data and using techniques to improve accuracy, such as implementing a feedback loop where users can report incorrect detections. 

Problem 2

Integration Between Front-End and Backend Systems


MoogleLabs' developers rigorously tested the application during development to identify and fix any bugs or glitches that might cause data transmission errors between the front end and back end. Additionally, we implement clear and well-defined APIs (application programming interfaces) to ensure smooth data flow and minimize integration issues.

Problem 3

Battery Drain and Processing Power


MoogleLabs' developers addressed this by optimizing the application's code to minimize battery consumption and explored techniques for efficient facial recognition and AI model execution on the device, potentially leveraging hardware acceleration features if available on the targeted phones.

The Final Result

We created and launched SleepBleep, an application that can detect signs of drowsiness in the drivers and alert them to take rest before any mishap. 

The application is user-friendly, with high accuracy in results, and does so with minimal batter consumption.


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